Tuesday 5 August 2014

No Rules Writing

We should have 3 No Rules Writing so we time to get stuff done.

I like No Rules Writing so we should do more No Rules Writing.

I don't want to make any changes.

Monday 4 August 2014

Deven's daily Reflection Questions

1. Do you think you will get everything done on your trello this week?I don't think I will get all of them done this week.

2. What do you need to prioritise tomorrow?I will prioritise this week.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Deven's Fri Reflections wk 2

1. How are you going in iTime? What is helping you achieve success?I am going good In I Time and I am doing all the thing so that I can achieve.
2. What goals do you have for next week?Punctuation!

3. What are some of the highlights of this week?Everybody is being nice to me.

4. Do you have any questions or need anything clarified?No I don't have anything to clarify Lisa.

Monday 28 July 2014

I Groups

I want to be in the independent group because you get to pick when your morning tea time is and when your lunchtime is and I like when you can go at any time. I can also do my Trello properly. I can be responsibile to what I do and doing my work silently.

Sole Reflections

What did you find out about joy?
I found out that …
That animals can feel joy.

What things went well in your SOLE?
Researching what feels joy.

My Fun Holiday

On the Holidays i went swimming and i graduated hammerheads in easy swim and also went to Kelly Sports football and i got a certificate and when Kelly Sports ended on thursday so on Friday i went to oliver o’s house for a playdate till 4:00pm and then school started on Monday.On Thursday i went swimming at Tawa Pool.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Week 1 Reflections

1.  What tasks did you do today on ‘Trello’?  
I did feed'n'read mathletics bug club Blog Sole fitness on trello today.

2.  Were there any tasks you didn’t get done today?  Why?
I didn’t do mathletics feed'n'read novel number knowledge because i didn't get time.

3.  What are you going to do tomorrow?

I am going to put Writing project ,Independent Reading in ‘Trello’ tomorrow.